lumbar pain

Mentoring Minutes: Quadratus Lumborum and Psoas Major Exercises

This week's Mentoring Minutes, Dr Marshall LeMonie talks about Quadratus Lumborum and Psoas major exercises.

These muscles are often given a bad rap when it comes to low back pain, but the Quadratus and Psoas can play an important role in trunk and pelvic strength and stability. Just because they are stiff or tight, doesn’t always mean they are strong. Happy planking!

Source & Notes:

Evaluation of Psoas Major and Quadratus Lumborum Recruitment Using Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Before and After 5 Trunk Exercises

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2017 47:2, 108-114 

  • Nine healthy male participants performed the right side bridge, knee raise, and 3 front bridges, including the hand-knee, elbow-knee, and elbow-toe bridges. Diffusion-weighted imaging was performed before and after each exercise.

  • Of the 5 exercises investigated, the elbow-toe bridge and side bridge exercises elicit the greatest recruitment of the PM and QL.


Top 5 Exercises For Spinal Stenosis

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Unfortunately, the natural course of medical treatment for many patients with Spinal Stenosis typically ends in surgery.  

Our patients need to know that long-term outcome studies show patients who get surgery compared with those who get conservative treatment have similar outcomes. 

Here's a few excerpts from this week's Patient Education Article on Spinal Stenosis:

"Seeing that you have a good likelihood of improving with conservative treatment and a good likelihood of NOT worsening over time, it makes good sense to try conservative treatment first – and to give it all you’ve got. There’s always the option for surgery later, and even then, outcomes are good."

"Improving your mobility – not only in the lumbar region, but in surrounding body regions, as well – can dramatically improve your function."

"Exercise has positive, symptom-reducing effects and is very important in the plan of care for Spinal Stenosis."

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