PhysioU goes international! Mandarin translation brings the Clinical Practice Guidelines to life for China!

In the past weeks of mentoring and treating patients in the Olympic Bird’s Nest and Olympic Water Cube in Beijing, China has been awesome!

Olympic Bird’s Nest and Olympic Water Cube in Beijing

The residents and fellows are excellent clinicians and the population we are seeing is so grateful for what we do! Believe me when I say, the Physical Therapy profession is one of the best professions on Earth!

Our patients have ranged from many with hip dysplasia, to low back pain and movement coordination impairments (lumbar sprain strain)… the list goes on and on! Clinical pattern recognition makes treating these patients, even when there is some language barrier very effective. We have used the apps almost daily with each patient, helping our interpreters whom are Masters of Rehabilitation Medicine and Physical Therapy students 

Masters of Rehabilitation Medicine and Physical Therapy students
Masters of Rehabilitation Medicine and Physical Therapy students
Masters of Rehabilitation Medicine and Physical Therapy students

from the Beijing Sports University, to begin to see how the Clinical patterns, lead to relevant testing, impairment hunts and matching impairments to the appropriate interventions.

The clinicians here have been raving about the apps (see the video below) and since last year when I was here, we have been working feverishly with our super awesome translation team to bring Clinical Pattern Recognition to life in Chinese!


Almost all of the translation is done, but we could not wait any longer to give access to our China based colleagues! Starting today, you will notice that for almost all of the Clinical Pattern Recognition apps, there is now Chinese translation that is at the bottom of every technique page. Though this is not complete yet, our team continues to work relentlessly to finish the translation work, we felt that this was the time to bring the Clinical Practice Guidelines to life for our Chinese colleagues!

Special thanks to the translation team! 

Sun Yang PT, PhD

Sun Yang PT, PhD

David Li Wei, PhD

David Li Wei, PhD

Angela An, PT

Angela An, PT

Cathy Miao PT, PhD

Cathy Miao PT, PhD

Phoebe Yu, MS

Phoebe Yu, MS


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