The Reason Most PT Educators Are Adopting PhysioU

As a PT educator, I saw an opportunity to enhance the student experience and reduce faculty burden using technology in the classroom. That's why I created PhysioU, and here's why I recommend that more educators use our apps/simulations to transform teaching and learning:


Key Features of PhysioU That Benefit Educators and Students

Here are just some of the features that PT educators and students appreciate:

24/7 Unlimited Access

150+ common rehabilitation related conditions

3000+ assessments, special tests, manual therapy, movement analysis, and exercise techniques

5000+ High-definition instructional videos


Unlimited evidence updates

Data streaming via WiFi/Data connection

Works on laptop, tablet, smartphone


Watch Our Short Faculty Walk-throughs

Here’s how to implement PhysioU into the classroom and clinic successfully:

PhysioU in clinical education tutorial videos

Mentoring in Acute Care Rehabilitation

Neurologic Rehabilitation for Mentoring

Improve Clinical Efficiency

Developing Reasoning with Pharmacology app

Clinical Pattern Recognition in Mentoring


Let’s Talk! Schedule a Time for a One-on-One Consultation.

If you’re wondering how to successfully transform your classroom to meet the needs of digital natives (our current and future students), or if you have specific questions about our product, please book a meeting with us!

Jonathan R. Hartman

PhysioU brings evidence-based clinical reasoning right to the fingertips so that as a CI I don’t have to go searching through multiple textbooks for information! I know I can count on PhysioU to help guide my student’s differential diagnosis thought process and research-based clinical reasoning. Using PhysioU is the easiest and most convenient resource to use between patients in order to enhance my CI mentoring. Its user-friendly interface makes topics that used to take hours to look up available in just seconds!

— Jonathan R. Hartman , DPT, Clinical Specialist at Kaiser Permanente


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