Texas: PhysioU Jurisprudence Exam Preparation Package


It's your all-in-one solution to focus on core concepts for exam readiness. Test your preparedness with practice exams and avoid potential income loss of $1,800 per week. Dive into an interactive learning experience that simplifies the complexities of state regulations and statutes. Ace your exam with PhysioU today!


12-month access for $59 $39

PhysioU: jurisprudence package was such a helpful tool to aid in my passing of the law exam. I really enjoyed how they broke down each section and made it clear and concise on what to study. It was interactive and kept my attention while I studied, therefore leaving me to feel ready and confident to take my jurisprudence exam.
— Allyson E.

What’s included in the PhysioU Jurisprudence Exam Prep Package?


Part I: 7 Simulation-Based E-Learning Modules

Each module includes review quizzes for self-assessment. Enjoy unlimited access to play and quiz yourself at your own pace! Complete modules and pass quizzes, and you will be awarded a course completion certificate!!

Module 1: Legislative Intent and Definitions 

Module 2: Board of Physical Therapy Powers and Duties 

Module 3: Licensure and Examination 

Module 4: Ethical and Professional Responsibilities

Module 5: Patient Care Management

Module 6: Disciplinary Actions and Unlawful Practice

Module 7: Consumer Advocacy

Part II: Practice Exams

When you are ready, take your exam preparation to the next level with our two practice exams. Each has 50 questions, a 60-minute time limit, and one attempt.

Limited time offer

12-month access for $59 $39

Our Expert Course Author

Dr. James Syms, PT, DSc

  • 30 years in Physical Therapy Education

  • Past President of the California Chapter of the APTA

  • 20+ years CPTA Government Affairs Committee member

  • 3-year term APTA Government Affairs Committee member

  • Content Expert, Physical Therapy Board of California