Pediatrics Future Updates and Focus Group

Join Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC for a 1-hour session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

00:48 Melissa Cole Introduction

01:22 Why PhysioU?

11:10 Pediatric Resources

14:25 Guiding students through the milestones

17:10 Conversation about what is needed in the Pediatrics app

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo

Diagnostic Imaging Simulations

Diagnostic Imaging Simulations Coming to PhysioU!

Diagnostic imaging has traditionally been a difficult subject to teach throughout the curriculum – it is a vital skill in multiple areas of practice, but one which students tend to have a hard time grasping. This is what led us at PhysioU to develop case-based simulations for common pain presentations, including diagnostic imaging related to the patient’s specific injury or complaint.

Guiding students through case-based experiences presents a perfect opportunity to integrate diagnostic imaging related directly to healing, function, exercise selection, and patient education. With PhysioU e-learning and simulation content you can grade student exposure to diagnostic imaging content, utilize interactive learning reports to track student learning, and allow students to revisit key concepts across their journey through your program. 

Regardless of whether the students are learning for the first time, in clinical rotations, or studying for board exams, PhysioU has worked to create content that will support faculty and learners alike in the effective delivery of diagnostic imaging modules.

Interprofessional Education

Reimagine Your Interprofessional Education Content with PhysioU

We have all had the experience of organizing Interprofessional Education (IPE) content for our programs. Between scheduling time with our own students, coordinating with faculty and students from other disciplines, reserving rooms, and budgeting for the related expenses, there are plenty of reasons that IPE has historically been difficult to integrate into the curriculum.

If this sounds familiar to you, click here to learn more about PhysioU’s IPE module

By now, educators at all levels are familiar with simulation-based learning. Research suggests that interprofessional care is important for patient outcomes, better quality of care and lower costs.

Homeyer et al, discussed four primary arguments for IPE:

  • Development and promotion of inter-professional thinking and acting

  • Acquirement of shared knowledge

  • Promotion of beneficial information and knowledge exchange

  • Promotion of mutual understanding

Using PhysioU’s case simulations allows programs from a variety of geographical locations to have the same access to students from disciplines not available at their campus. Click here to view the IPE module, complete with a real patient case, evaluation and treatment of a traumatic brain injury patient, and supplementary materials to help with consistent administration of the synchronous content. 

Thank you for transforming the classroom for the next generation of learners with PhysioU!

Direct access Faculty Friday webinars & quick app demos

Good news! Now you can easily access Faculty Friday live webinars and quick app demos within the webapp. The direct links are located under the Educator Resources section on the right hand side menu of the homescreen of the webapp.

Faculty Friday / every Friday 9am PST

Here is a list of our new webinars our educator team prepared for you. Sign up today!

Alternatively, check out these recorded webinars or short app demos

If you can’t make it to the above webinars, you can also access the recordings of our past webinars here or step over our self-guided quick app tutorials here during your coffee break!

Building an Augmented Classroom to Promote Deeper Learning

Join Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC for a 1-hour session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

03:36 Why PhysioU?

13:50 PhysioU Key Academic Drivers

15:50 Graded Exposure for Motor Skill Training

19:00 E-Learning & Simulations

36:35 Bloom's Taxonomy

39:00 Diverse Populations

42:19 2022: Total Apps

43:42 Questions, Ideas, Comments,

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo