Task Analysis App

Join Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

01:50 Webinar Overview

02:19 Why PhysioU?

11:34 Task Analysis App

31:00 How are faculty using it in class?

35:53 Lab Worksheets

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo

MSK Decision Tree: Integrated Clinical Decision Tree for Management of Common Musculoskeletal Conditions

What Is It?

This digital decision tree integrates the critical decision-making factors from the clinical practice guidelines for common musculoskeletal conditions developed by the Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy and published in the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy. It puts the CPG’s recommendations for evaluation, differential diagnosis, and treatment of 24 conditions at your fingertips. The CPG’s clinical decision trees are a time-tested means to accelerate the acquisition of essential clinical reasoning skills for interpreting data obtained during the patient’s interview, driving the choice of physical examination procedures to rule-in or rule-out the presence of both common musculoskeletal conditions and medical conditions that mimic common musculoskeletal conditions, determining the most appropriate diagnostic classification, and selecting the intervention strategies based on the client’s tissue tolerance and most relevant presenting impairments for each stage of the client’s rehabilitation and recovery. Now, all clinical practice guidelines and their key elements are in one place, ready to support the development of clinical pattern recognition in students and practicing clinicians.

Why Is It Important?

Evidence suggests that adherence to established clinical practice guidelines assists with decreasing healthcare utilization and costs. Results from other studies agree and indicate that guideline-based practice is related to improved physical functioning, and reduced pain and disability (Fritz 2007, Hanney 2016, Rutten 2010). The research also suggests that orthopaedic specialists and fellows adhere to clinical practice guidelines more than the generalist clinician. The team at Clinical Pattern Recognition believes that the development of guideline implementation tools and interactive decision support can help homogenize high-level clinical practice and enhance pattern recognition in entry-level clinical education.

How Does It Work?

Elements from the clinical practice guidelines are aggregated in an easy-to-use step-by-step decision support tool. This tool helps to strengthen the clinical pattern recognition of common musculoskeletal patterns, linking them to common impairments and their evidence-based interventions. A record of the reasoning used by a student or clinician for a particular case can be saved and visualized, if desired, for discussion or comparison between practitioners or practitioners in training.

How Do I Use This In My Program?

  1. Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation/Orthopaedics Course during practice evaluations

  2. Use in clinic during rotations between clinical instructors and students

  3. Use for mentoring of residents and fellows in post-professional clinical programs

Or sign up for free trial!


  • Fritz, J. M., Cleland, J. A., & Brennan, G. P. (2007). Does adherence to the guideline recommendation for active treatments improve the quality of care for patients with acute low back pain delivered by physical therapists? Medical Care, 45(10), 973–980. https://doi.org/10.1097/MLR.0B013E318070C6CD

  • Geert M. Rutten, Saskia Degen, Erik J. Hendriks, Jozé C. Braspenning, Janneke Harting, Rob A. Oostendorp, Adherence to Clinical Practice Guidelines for Low Back Pain in Physical Therapy: Do Patients Benefit?, Physical Therapy, Volume 90, Issue 8, 1 August 2010, Pages 1111-1122. https://doi.org/10.2522/ptj.20090173

  • Hanney, W. J., Masaracchio, M., Liu, X., & Kolber, M. J. (2016). The Influence of Physical Therapy Guideline Adherence on Healthcare Utilization and Costs among Patients with Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review of the Literature. PLOS ONE, 11(6), e0156799. https://doi.org/10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0156799

  • Ladeira, C. E., Cheng, M. S., & da Silva, R. A. (2017). Clinical specialization and adherence to evidence-based practice guidelines for low back pain management: A survey of US physical therapists. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 47(5), 347–358. https://doi.org/10.2519/JOSPT.2017.6561/ASSET/IMAGES/LARGE/JOSPT-347-FIG001.JPEG

Acute Care

This app is meticulously designed with the most common equipment, braces, post-operative considerations, patient education, functional training, and personal protective equipment relevant to the acute care setting. Students become immersed in the acute care setting without ever leaving their classroom through case studies with real patients in simulated treatment sessions.

Working together with Jennifer Nash, PT, DPT, NCS, the Acute Care App offers an in-depth, high-quality, asynchronous learning opportunity complete with
amazing resources to augment teaching and learning.

Key Features:

  • Learn the most common precautions and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) utilized for different pathologies in the acute care setting in the Isolation Precautions section. Each with unique signage and explanations, this will help build foundational knowledge of infection control and safety.

  • In the Patient Population section, the learner can review major categories of patient diagnoses commonly encountered in inpatient settings, typical lines and tubes, complete with background information, precautions/contraindications and assistive device recommendations.

    • It is important to note that this module does not include a step-by-step process for preparing a patient for discharge from the hospital. However, it does provide an overview of what will be needed on discharge by listing items such as goals (which may include medications or other treatments), discharge planning, and patient education materials.

  • In the Functional Training section, the learner can see a clinical expert performing common functional tasks with a real patient in short treatment videos complete with narration, step by step cues, safety information, and closed captioning.

    • Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) is a medical emergency that can happen to anyone at any time. It's also one of the leading causes of death in America and worldwide.

    • If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with CVA, it's important to know what happens next! In this module, we'll cover how CVA occurs, why it's so dangerous and what you can do about it if you're at risk for developing this condition yourself or someone close to you.

It’s not just about being able to apply theory in the classroom.

We want our learners to be prepared for real-world situations and challenges, so we’ve designed this app with the most common equipment, braces, post-operative considerations, functional training needs of patients within an acute care setting. Students become immersed in their coursework without ever leaving their classroom through case studies with real patients in simulated treatment sessions. Working together with Jennifer Nash PT DPT NCS, the Acute Care App provides an in-depth high quality asynchronous learning opportunity complete with amazing resources to augment teaching and learning.

ROM/MMT, Surface Anatomy Palpation, SIM apps

Join Dr. Michael Wong for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

00:51 Webinar Overview

01:55 Why PhysioU?

07:45 ROM/MMT App

17:10 ROM/MMT Simulations

28:58 Surface Anatomy Palpation

47:45 Student Rates/Benefits

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo