New App Alert: Wound Care MicroLearning

Nothing helps more with integration of knowledge than the PhysioU microlearning and simulations series for wound care.

With this first installment, PhysioU has partnered with certified wound care specialists and professors who have created interactive learning to help with your knowledge application. Whether studying for class or studying for board exams, this quick and easy learning series can help you "play" with your knowledge for better retention and exam results!

Wound Care Microlearning includes:

  • Burns

  • Debridement types

  • Dressings

  • Lymphedema

  • Wound types

Neurologic Rehabilitation & PNF

Using the PhysioU apps: Neurologic Rehabilitation & PNF to enhance your teaching.

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

0:00 Founder Introduction

02:52 Introduction to Sara Kraft

05:06 Introduction to Amy Radu

05:54 How do I introduce neurorehab intervention procedures?

06:32 How can I expose students to a set of motor skills?

07:08 Neurological Rehabilitation app

0:27:45 Case Studies

0:41:06 PNF app

0:50:21 Lab Handouts

0:52:33 Neuro Simulations

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources

Create Home Exercise Programs with Exercise Patterns

Curious about what exercises are the BEST exercises for your patients?

When using Exercise Patterns, we guarantee an evidence-based exercise approach that allows you to save time when building patient programs, address specific concerns with specific exercises, and create programs for exclusive patient needs.

Once in the Exercise Patterns web app, you will notice we have all exercises categorized by:

  • Body Region

    • Once in a specific body region, you will be able to navigate further to address unique patient needs:

      • Musculoskeletal Patterns

      • Post-Operative Programs

      • Performance

Easy, Effective, and Efficient

Did you know you can also email your program directly to your patients through our app?

NeuroExam & Simulations

Using the PhysioU apps: NeuroExam & Simulations to enhance your teaching.

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

0:00 Founder Introduction

03:43 NeurExam app

09:20 Lab Handouts

0:23:05 Neuro Simulations

0:34:10 Sneak Peak: Task Analysis

0:24:10 Webinars on demand

0:50:27 Summary on how to use app

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources

Assistive Devices, Gait Training and Transfers

Using the PhysioU apps: Assistive Devices, Gait Training and Transfers to enhance your teaching.

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

0:00 Founder Introduction

01:06 Curricular Standards

02:08 How can I train students about different assistive devices?

03:42 Assistive Devices app

00:06:24 Lab Handouts and Worksheets

00:19:15 Gait Patterns

00:26:00 Wheelchairs

00:28:15 Case Studies

00:35:12 MicroLearning & Sims

00:45:15 Physical Agents Simulations

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources