Sports Health

Breathing: the Forgotten Precursor to True Trunk Stability


“Core Stability” is defined as the ability to control the position and motion of the trunk over the pelvis in order to attain optimum production and transfer of force and motion to the athlete’s terminal segments in all integrated athletic activities (6). Wow! No wonder we all focus on core strength and coordination with our high-level athletes. However, can you say you focus on or at least perform a breathing screen with every athlete before diving into high-level core stability and coordination? If not you are missing a huge part of the core stability screening and training for athletic optimization. If you overlook these possible breathing and core activation faults the athlete may never gain the best core stability to optimize their throwing, running, and kicking, which can lead to increased risks for peripheral tissue injuries.

With high-level athletics, every bit of energy transfer makes a difference in performance and the body uses the core to transmit this energy. All of these purposeful athletic movements must start with the feed-forward proximal stability mechanism in order to transmit force across the whole body. If this force cannot be transmitted up the chain, and the same speed and velocity of sport’s motion is to be maintained, then the small peripheral joints must work harder to make up for the lost kinetic force. Thus, athletes need correct respiratory function and core stability for efficient biomechanical, sport specific function, in order to maximize force generation and minimize joint loads (6).


Respiratory/ Core Evidence Based Connections

So how does breathing function with core stability? Simply put, if you cannot breath properly you cannot brace properly. Breathing and core stability go hand in hand, as the majority of the respiratory muscles work synergistically with the core muscles or even function as both. The diaphragm and pelvic floor have been postulated to be major contributing muscles in order to attain true trunk stability by helping to increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity, otherwise known as “intra-abdominal pressure” (5). Thus the forgotten precursor to abdominal bracing and true core stability is a comprehensive, static anthropomorphic and dynamic breathing assessment, with a trunk feed-forward activation assessment prior to high-level training.

Respiratory and core muscles are most important for what can be referred to as feed-forward, subconscious, automatic stabilization. Athletes need to be able to attain this trunk control and core stability with optimized breathing patterns under stress and fatigue. This is not always inherent in every athlete, but is pivotal in order to provide stability prior to and during all motions. A simple concept to remember is: proximal stability before and during distal mobility (12). Another component to reducing peripheral tissue injury is reducing the time-to and time-under fatigue. This is through optimal systemic oxygen input to the body, which requires efficient energy transfer through core stability. When an athletes supply of oxygen, via the respiratory system or passive force transmission via core stability fail, the athlete will rely more on their peripheral tissues and joints in order to compensate for loss of whole body kinetic force transmission. Which has been shown to increase peripheral tissue fatigue, reduced proprioception, and increase incidence of tissue injury (13). This is mainly due to the fact that with fatigue we see a decrease in position sense/ proprioception of sport-specific central and peripheral joints leading to increased tissue overload. It was shown in 2003 and 2007 that throwing athletes had decreased upper extremity proprioception at the onset of and during throwing under fatigue (9,13). This study and many others have supported Janda’s theory that fatigue is due to a reduction in the feedback from the muscle spindle, which then affects proprioception and posture (12). It can also be postulated that not only peripheral but also central joints have improved stability due to appropriate proprioceptive function and feed-forward control (12). Regional interdependence is a theory that states that seemingly unrelated impairments in remote anatomical regions of the body may contribute to and be associated with a patient’s primary report of symptoms. In this case, poor trunk motor coordination and timing can lead to peripheral or central joint/ tissue overuse and injury (15).


Respiratory/ Core Evidence Based Anatomy and Training

The core musculature is responsible for the preservation of spine and pelvis stability, which aid in the generation and transfer of energy or force from the trunk to distal segments during movements (6). These muscles can include the scalenes, deep neck flexors, sternocleidomastoid, pectorals, intercostals, diaphragm, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, internal and external oblique, lumbar paraspinal muscles, and pelvic floor muscles. Athletes also need thoracic static structures to be in optimal positioning in order to create an environment for respiration and core musculature to work most efficiently.

So which should we focus on first? Well breathing of course! You cannot brace or play any sport with perfection if you cannot breath, and the athlete’s need to attain the best breathing posture will supersede the best posture for stability if they are not trained to work together. Ideal posture or positioning for core stability will be compromised in order to put the body into a position to optimize breathing and maintain respiration, as the body will always choose oxygen and respiratory function over stability and trunk control. (12). Clearly this can come at a large price if you are out of breath, unstable, and are about to be hit by a 300 lb linebacker in the NFL. Studies have shown time and time again that these muscles cannot, and should not, solely be trained to work in isolation. The transversus abdominis muscle is only able to produce 1-2% MVC in isolation before the aid of the internal oblique, pelvic floor, and the other trunk muscles are activated (10/11). The diaphragm and transversus abdominis muscles in healthy adults both fire synergistically prior to isolated lower extremity, upper extremity and trunk movements in order to stabilize the trunk independent of the breathing cycle phases (4/5). Therefore, in order to activate the optimum trunk musculature we must focus on feed-forward core bracing with correct breathing patterns which will be ultimately trained under fatigue.

So now we see that the core muscles should be trained in synergy with breathing and can’t be isolated, we can move onto the thought of absolute core muscle strength. Throughout the article I have talked about the importance of this feed-forward, subconscious, automatic stabilization in order to stabilize the body for limb motion and in order to transmit kinetic forces. I focus on the timing of these muscles and activation patterns because of the previous studies stated and the fact that it has been shown that we only need up to 10% MVIC of the trunk muscles in order to provide joint stiffness in lumbar spine for integrated full body movements (2/10/11). Also, even if you think the only way to gain core stability is through strength; you should know that it has been shown that instability at a joint may still be present with normal strength measurements (3). Since we don't need much absolute strength for increased stability or force transmission, and even with absolute strength joints can show instability, it seems that evidence is pushing towards core faults being mostly coordination faults rather than absolute muscle power faults. Therefore, we should focus our efforts on breathing, endurance, timing, and feed-forward autonomic core activation, with progression to sport specific difficulty in order to attain true useful trunk stiffness and functional athletic stability.  


Respiratory Objective Exam

There are many different ways to perform an objective exam to assess respiration and they can be tailored to the individual athlete you are evaluating. I will discuss one method that I prefer for a comprehensive respiratory and core activation evaluation. Take note that this is a supine examination; therefore standing posture, movement, strength, and coordination examinations should supplement the exam that I will describe below.

In the supine position, with the athlete relaxed, have both legs flat or both knees bent and feet flat (hook-lying) on the table, and visually examine the athletes static/ dynamic anthropomorphic structures with subconscious tidal breathing. Take note of the chin neck angle, as this can cue you into which muscles/ joints are being over or underutilized and will cue you into the athletes preferred cervicothoracic positioning. Visually evaluate the cervical musculature and the tracheal position. Visually examine the asymmetries of the sternum, clavicles, ribs, and pelvic tilt. Notice any scarring, increased and decreased muscle tone and bulk, especially in the lateral obliques, as they may be a site of decreased trunk stability. Observe for thoracic cage deformities such as pectus excavatum/ carinatum, scoliosis, excessive kyphosis, and any other deformities or irregularities picked up from other examination procedures in this position. The anteroposterior chest diameter should be less than the transverse diameter. The normative ratio of AP to transverse diameter is about 0.70 to 0.75 in adults, which increases with age (14). These static structures are the foundation, which the core and respiratory muscles have to work from, and it can greatly affect their ability to stabilize and transmit force throughout the body. After the visual static structure assessment has taken place, watch the athlete’s preferred subconscious breathing pattern at tidal volume, taking special note of abdominal/diaphragmatic filling and rise as it relates to chest rise. Reassess with the athlete taking a couple full inspiratory breaths as well. Ideally we want to see less chest compared to diaphragmatic rise. Rise in terms of where the body chooses to move from with resting tidal and full inspiration breathing. This is important because if the athlete is relying on anterior-posterior chest expansion over diaphragmatic expansion in order to breath then this may lead to increased motion at the lumbo-throacic junction which can lead to increased spine and tissue stress, especially in times of fatigue.   

Next, if needed, place one hand on the chest and one on the abdomen of the athlete just below the costal angle. This will further help you to assess the motion of diaphragm and chest as the athlete breaths at tidal and full inspiratory volume. Place your thumbs tip to tip at the xiphoid process with your other fingers and palms lying flat on the ribs facing towards the athlete’s shoulders in the intercostal spaces to feel for any rib expansion abnormalities and in order to estimate the costal angle. The normal values of this angle is 90-110 degrees. This angle is important because it will give you insight into which muscles may be inhibited or hypertonic, as well as see if the athlete has any set anthropomorphic abnormalities of the rib cage, and/or thoracic spine. Remember, rib angles as well as the costal angle are a direct reflection of the thoracic spine orientation, and it most certainly is appropriate to evaluate the thoracic spine if you feel this is the structure of anatomical variance.

A palpatory exam is also an important part of a full respiratory and trunk control exam. Palpate all quadrants of the abdominals to feel for increased or decreased muscle tension or any tissues with increased sensitivity. You have already assessed active rib mobility with breathing, but it may also be important to further assess passive rib mobility by placing your hands flush against the ribs on the anterior thorax with the addition of broad overpressure. Ask yourself these questions; Are they starting the breathing motion correctly or are they stuck in an expiratory rib/ thorax position possibly categorized by a narrower than 90 degrees costal angle with more vertically positioned ribs? One theory is that this could be due to or lead to increased external oblique or rectus abdominis resting tension and reduced internal oblique activation or resting tension. Are they starting the breathing motion correctly or are they stuck in an inspiratory position categorized by a wider than 120 degrees costal angle with more horizontally positioned ribs? One theory is that this could be due to or lead to increased internal oblique activation and reduced external oblique resting tension. Lastly, is the athlete asymmetrical with one side of his or her ribcage flared up and out or held down and the other working within normal limits? As a grossly simplified muscular guide, the internal oblique will most likely increase the rib angle (ribs appear more horizontal) and costal angle and can pull the ribs in an anterior to posterior direction as well as in an inferior and lateral direction. Or conversely they could cause a slight anterior pelvic tilt due to its line of pull. The external oblique will most likely decrease the rib angle (rib appears more vertical) and costal angle and can pull the ribs in an anterior to posterior direction as well as an inferior and medial direction or conversely could cause a slight posterior pelvic tilt due to its line of pull. Whereas the rectus abdominis will pull the two sides of the rib cage slightly medially and inferiorly decreasing the costal angle or conversely could cause a slight posterior pelvic tilt due to its line of pull. There are numerous ways to treat these findings and many different continuing education classes that one could take in order to affect the athlete’s faults as comprehensively as possible. However, explaining all of the ways to treat these findings is out of the scope of this article, so do what you know and see if you can make a change. Having said that, any faults and abnormalities picked up with the visual and tactile breathing assessment should be assessed further and should be normalized with soft tissue, joint mobility, or coordination treatment via tactile, verbal, and visual cueing until the patient can correct the abnormalities with tidal breathing and maximum inspiration or until they are as minimal as possible.


Core Activation Objective Exam

Next up is the core activation objective assessment. Place your thumb of each hand on left and right inferior lateral quadrants of the athlete, just medial and superior to the ASIS. At the same time place your middle finger or pinky finger on the athlete’s posterior lateral trunk, superior to the posterior iliac crest, and at the same vertebral level as you thumbs (Pincer grip).  In the respiratory assessment you felt AP motion of the thorax and with this new grip you now have your hands in a great position to feel for lateral, anterior and posterior abdominal wall filling. Next, with you hands in this position have the athlete breath with normal tidal volume and with maximal inspiration, feeling for the filling of all four palpated cavities at the same rate and depth. The timing and fullness of all quadrants should be the same, as we want the athlete to fill their cavity equally and cylindrically in order to achieve the optimal intraabdominal pressure and core stability. If they cannot do this, then your work starts here. Again these faults should be normalized with soft tissue, joint, or coordination training via tactile, verbal, and visual cueing until the patient can correct the abnormalities or until they are as minimal as possible.

Next, with the athlete lying in supine, lift their legs into a 90/90 position, supporting their full lower extremity weight onto your thigh with your foot on the table. Another possible option for overhead athletes would be to lift both of their arms overhead (to 140 degrees of shoulder flexion) with their wrists supported on your thigh. Next, verbally cue the athlete to slightly lift their arms or legs off of your passive support until they accept the full weight of their limbs. You want the athlete to lift their own arms or legs off of your support as opposed to you pulling your passive support away from them, as this will most closely simulate their automatic preferred abdominal activation pattern. During this phase of testing observe their core for their timing and quality of their preferred automatic motor activation as they start to support the weight of their legs or arms. Look and then feel (using pincer grip) the abdominal cavity as a whole, as we want to see symmetrical cylindrical filling just prior to limb motion. This would show optimal proximal stability before voluntary limb muscle activation and motion. Observe the navel for any motion, as this can be an obvious cue into trunk muscle activity. If all of the core muscles are working in synergy the navel should have very little to no movement. If you see navel motion as they accept the distal weight, this will cue you into areas of increased muscle pull and activation or decreased pull and activation as the navel is pulled towards the direction of dominant muscles and away from non-dominant muscles. Look and then feel for cues of an overactive rectus abdominis, which can be seen with increased abdominal rise anteriorly, greater than lateral abdominal wall filling. Ideally you would want to see and feel cylindrical core activation, which is equal and symmetrical in timing, pressure, and filling just prior to active limb motion. This should be done without any external cueing, as this would show that the athlete has automatic feed forward core stability in preparation for limb motion and mobility.

At this point in the core activation evaluation it is important that you try to see if they can change their pattern towards optimal with minimal cues. You can be as creative as you like, but try to get the patient to understand what normal is and why it is important, and then have them strive to achieve that with minimal cueing. Tactile cues for abdominal filling may be as simple as having the athlete breath into the area where there is decreased absolute filling or decreased rate of filling. You can facilitate this via your tactile pincer grip pressure, having them focus on the pressure of the table, or their own tactile pressure via self-pincer grip. You can manually push down and set the ribs in the correct position and then see if the patient can breathe while actively holding that corrected rib positioning with their core muscles. Can they then progress to deep breathing while filling all cavities symmetrically with that corrected positioning held. Finally can they support their lower and upper extremity weight and then move their lower extremities in the supine position while actively holding their ribs in that corrected position with proper breathing. Verbal cues can be simple and can include “breath into this part”, “fill/ firm this part of your stomach/ back” in order to attain proper breath/core muscle filling.  One of the best verbal muscle activation cues shown to increase bracing in current literature is “Stop your urine flow” (8). Your athlete may think this is elementary training, but then at that point I usually just say some version of “Your right, this is such minimal motion, and your even lying on your back. But you can not even lay here and hold the weight of or move your legs with proper core activation for stability, support, and power, what makes you think you can sprint, hit, or jump with correct core activation and stability in order to optimize your movement and prevent injury?” it usually drives home the point that they already expressed, which is that this training is so simple compared to usual higher level athletic integrated motion or weight training and you have just showed them that they can’t do it correctly.

        This entire assessment will allow you to see if the abnormalities found can be changed or trained in order to attain the optimal thorax positioning for maximally effective automatic feed-forward abdominal bracing with limb motion and correct deep breathing. If you have now assessed your athlete and found that they are able to correctly breath and brace with lower or upper extremity motion then the next step is higher level trunk muscle testing and strengthening in order to maximize the athletes full core stability potential (which will be the focus of my next article). Be creative, as I have only given you one version of possible testing, otherwise you would be reading a large book on this topic not a small concise post. Evidence is always changing and there is always more ways to address each fault found with each athlete. So get out there and build truly effective athletes.

Breathing/ Bracing Quick Sheet


Anthropomorphic: chin neck angle/ trachea/ clavicle/ sternum/ costal angle/ ribs/ pelvis

Soft Tissue: anterior cervical musculature/ 4 quadrants/ navel position / scars/ muscle tone

Diaphragm vs chest rise: 2:1 or 3:1 ratio

Costal angle: 90-110 degrees

Ratio of AP to transverse rib diameter = 0.70 to 0.75 in adults

Check all with tidal and deep breathing


Diaphragm vs chest rise 2:1 or 3:1 ratio

Costal angle 90-110 degrees

Rib angles

All abdominal quadrants for muscle tone and increased sensitivity

Lower abdominal, anterior and lateral wall filling with tidal and deep breathing for timing and absolute volume with pincer grip

Muscle Actions:

Internal oblique: Increase the rib angle (rib appears more horizontal) / costal angle, can pull the ribs in an anterior to posterior direction + inferior and lateral direction or slight anterior pelvic tilt due to its line of pull.

The External oblique: Decrease the rib angle (rib appears more vertical) / costal angle, can pull the ribs in an anterior to posterior direction + inferior and medial direction or slight posterior pelvic tilt due to its line of pull.

Rectus abdominis: Pull the ribs medially and inferiorly or slight posterior pelvic tilt due to its line of pull.

Bracing Activation Cues:

Verbal: “Stop Your Urine Flow”, “Think of filling the lateral abdominal/ posterior wall”, “breath into the tactile cue”, “blow out forcefully”

Tactile: PT pincer grip, PT hands on chest and diaphragm, Athlete to feel table under the body, Athlete’s own hand on chest and diaphragm or on abdominals with pincer grip,  manual joint and muscle techniques, blocking rib or joint motion with deep breathing, using muscles to hold ribs in the proper position

Visual: Athlete to watch abdominal rise, Athlete to watch belly button motion in mirror held above by PT; athlete to watch video of correct bracing or see diagrams



1. Cholewicki J, Juluru K, McGill SM, et al. Intra-abdominal pressure mechanism for stabilizing the lumbar spine. J Biomech 1999; 32 (1): 13-6: 76-87

2.              Cholewicki J, Panjabi MM, Khachatryan A. Stabilizing function of trunk exor-extensor muscles around a neutral spine posture. Spine. 1997;22(19):2207–12.

3.              Freeman MA, Dean MR, Hanham IW. The etiology and prevention of functional instability of the foot. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1965;47(4):678–85

4.              Hodges PW, Richardson CA. Contraction of the abdominal muscles associated with movement of the lower limb. Phys Ther. 1997;77(2):132-144.

5.              Hodges, P W et al. “Contraction of the Human Diaphragm during Rapid Postural Adjustments.” The Journal of Physiology 505.Pt 2 (1997): 539–548. Print.

6.              Kibler WB, Press J, Sciascia A. The role of core stability in athletic function. Sports Med 2006; 36(3): 189-98.

7.              Kim, Hyun-Dong et al. “Changes in Activation of Abdominal Muscles at Selected Angles During Trunk Exercise by Using Ultrasonography.” Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine 39.6 (2015): 950–956. PMC. Web. 20 Feb. 2018.

8.              Lee, Diane D. “The Pelvic Girdle: An Integration of Clinical Expertise and Research”. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, 2013.

9.              Lee, Hung-Maan et al. Evaluation of shoulder proprioception following muscle fatigue. Clinical Biomechanics , Volume 18 , Issue 9 , 843 – 847. 2003.

10.            McGill, Stuart. Low Back Disorders: Evidence-based Prevention and Rehabilitation. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2002. Print.

11.            McGill, Stuart. Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance Fourth Edition .Waterloo, Ontario Canada, 2009. Print.

12.            Page, Phillip, et al. Assessment and treatment of muscle imbalance: the Janda approach. Human Kinetics, 2010.

13.            Tripp, Brady L, Eric M Yochem, and Timothy L Uhl. “Functional Fatigue and Upper Extremity Sensorimotor System Acuity in Baseball Athletes.” Journal of Athletic Training 42.1 (2007): 90–98. Print.

14.            Tuteur PG. Chest Examination. In: Walker HK, Hall WD, Hurst JW, editors. Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition. Boston: Butterworths; 1990. Chapter 46.

15.            Wainner RS, Whitman JM, Cleland JA, Flynn TW. Regional interdependence: a musculoskeletal examination model whose time has come. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2007; 37(11):658–60

The Pelvic Floor- A Missing Link


Any of your patient briefly mention exercise causing some "dribbling?" 

It’s time to talk about a topic some people would rather avoid, and that’s the pelvic floor! It is common to forget about the pelvic floor when we talk about core strength, so let me say this loud and proud, DO NOT ignore the pelvic floor, especially all you female distance runners. Even in our “modern” era, talking about pelvic floor dysfunctions is something really uncomfortable and even shameful to bring up and it really shouldn’t be.  A healthy strong pelvic floor is really just as important as the strength of any other muscle on your body

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Does Running Cause Knee Arthritis- Review of Articles


We all have had patients that ask us what they can do to prevent arthritis, or state- "I have been running for a few years and the doctor states that now I have arthritis." 

How do you usually answer? Do you agree or disagree with that statement?

Have you had patients who directly as you if running causes arthritis?  Are you comfortable answering that question?

If not this short article is for you and your patients who are seeking that answer.

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Part II: Running Mechanics- Top 4 Faults

In my last post we discussed some running gait pattern “norms”. I put that in quotations because as I mentioned before it is really difficult to normalize running gait.  However, anything that deviates too much from the closest thing to a standard can produce future problems.

So lets look at the top 4 common running mechanical deviations.  The goal is to help our patients understand what we look at when we are looking at their running gait, and what it may possible mean when we see these faults. The faults will lead us to decide on the proper treatment course. 

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Eeny Meeny Miny Moe; Which squat to choose; Front, Back, High or Low?


The squat is an effective training tool when performed correctly. It can challenge your upper extremities, trunk, and lower extremities all at the same time leading to important sport specific muscle adaptations. In this blog I will dive into what current research says about the differences between each type of squat, squat depth, muscle activation, and external cues for squats. By the end of this article my hope is that you feel more confident and knowledgeable about choosing when to use a squat, with which type or technique to use, how to properly screen for proper movement or movement faults, and utilize the best current evidence to aid in your decision making. Check out the video to learn more about how to set up the squat and correct its most common movement faults.  

The human body functions as a complete system during any athletic movement and thus in our sports training we should eventually train the athlete with whole body sport specificity in mind.  That brings us to this analysis on the squat, as it can be an explosive full body power motion that can be translated into a plethora of sport specific motions. If squats are to be used as an ancillary conditioning tool, we as medical professionals must assess the sports movement and utilize the best research in order to train the muscles needed in that sport with the same activation patterning in order to build optimal movement patterns under load. In order to have the most effective lift have the athlete perform the strengthening activity throughout their safe and sport specific full range of motion, with proper form, while at the same time expending the least amount of energy possible per lift. The goal is not only to build strength and power, but also control and technique to improve performance, and decrease risk of injury.

There are three main types of squats, they are named by where the bar is positioned on the body. There is a Front Squat where the bar is placed in front of the torso resting on the patients’ anterior shoulders. There is a High Bar Back Squat where the bar is placed just below the spinous process of the C7 vertebrae and finally, there is a Low Bar Back Squat where the bar is placed just above the spine of the scapula and rests on the posterior deltoid muscle bellies. Many people choose their squat type based on the belief that the different bar positions lead to different lower extremity muscle activation. You will see later that current evidence does not support these claims. Therefore, go back to function! First, which of the three squats can they perform correctly, and which most closely simulates the full body motions of their sport or activity. Will they have to be upright jumping or will they be bent over hitting,  pushing, or pulling? Is there any part of their body that we are trying to rehab in specific or reduce the load on during the motion (neck, back, knee, hip, ankle)? The athletes’ objective movement fault, tissue breakdown, and sports specificity of a training mode should always be the guide to choose the correct exercise. I challenge the reader of this article to pick the squat that most closely correlates to the athlete’s body position in their chosen sport so that the loaded myofibril histological adaptations will translate into truly useful sport-specific movement patterns. Happy squatting! 



Prior to the squat, a thorough subjective and objective screen should be completed to assess the appropriateness of this training mode for each individual due to its complexities and inherent combined motions under load. I know what you’re thinking, people go to gyms and start squatting every day, but just because you can do something does not mean you’re doing it right or safely.  With the vast majority of low back and lower extremity injuries I have seen from the gym, are due to motions such as the squat. Once the subjective is complete and it is found that the patient will benefit from squats we must objectively prescreen the patient to find out if they can perform the combined motion correctly. Now, I know there are tons of efficient ways to do this, so if you have a preferred method just make sure it at least touches on the crucial components identified below, as I have already narrowed it down to address only the top faults and minimum body requirements to perform the squat safely and correctly.

Upper extremity, thoracic and shoulder mobility should be assessed to see that the patient can assume the correct squat bar position. For the upper extremities, the front squat will require a combined motion of midrange glenohumeral joint flexion, end range elbow flexion, end range forearm pronation, and full wrist extension. The high bar back squat will require slight thoracic extension, scapular adduction/posterior tilting with combined mid-range glenohumeral external rotation and abduction in order to hold the bar in the correct position. The low bar back squat will require more thoracic extension, scapular adduction/posterior tilting with combined end-range glenohumeral external rotation and midrange abduction in order to hold the bar in the correct position.

Next the lumbar spine, pelvis, and lower extremities must be assessed. For the lower extremities the patients’ lumbar spine range of motion and stability, passive and loaded hip flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion mobility will be of utmost importance as these joints will greatly affect the start and end/bottom position of all three lifts.

Screening for each patient’s true safe full end range motion during the squat is very important after each joint is assessed due to the increased chance of injury towards the bottom position of the squat. The end range for the squat can be defined as the lowest position of the squat where there is no excessive overload and stress given on any one joint that could promote tissue damage. As movement experts, we must specifically focus on a screen that can find the correct ending position for the squat as this is when the low back/ hips are most compromised and susceptible to injury. All athletic training squats should end their downward motion just before the lordotic curvature of the lumbar spine can no longer be maintained or just above the point that a “butt wink” can be seen. This is the true safe and smart end range of motion of that athlete. But how about butt to ground/ATG squats? Or if I don’t have pain and I can go lower even after my back has rounded? Yes you are right, everyone most likely can squat lower after their pelvis posterior pelvic tilt (butt wink) occurs while squatting, but they will do it using this poor compensatory pattern which is putting their low back at risk for injury while it is under load. Again, you are trying to load the body and system for integrated athletic motion and strength built to last and avoid increased stress and eventual tissue breakdown, leading to injury. If a patient is allowed to posterior pelvic tilt under load at the bottom of the squat the iliocostalis lumborum and longissimus thoracic muscle fibers will align themselves with the compressive axis of the spine, due to the flexed lumbar spine posture, instead of counteracting the anterior shearing component of the lift. The patient will no longer have the proper anterior to posterior muscular support needed and the spine will be susceptible to injury via loaded flexion and compression (13). In order to find the correct ending position, place the athlete in quadruped.  Then have them rock back to assess where the posterior pelvic tilt occurs. If they make it back to the required sport specific depth without a posterior pelvic tilt then you are done, and you have found the proper ending point, which can be confirmed with a standing un-weighted and weighted squat. If not and the goal is to perform a deeper squat due to sport specific needs then in this  quadruped position we can now try to see if  small changes can be made to their form in order to achieve this depth such as abduction/ external rotation of the hips, various trunk bracing and motor awareness cues, pushing into the table in order to activate trunk/ scapulohumeral muscles, ankle plantarflexion or dorsiflexion as well as any number of small changes to see if their fault is easily fixed and a lower depth can be achieved without a posterior pelvic tilt. If all of these small changes are exhausted then the remaining limited motion can be safely contributed to either a soft tissue shortness/ stiffness which needs specific focus to change or a true mobility deficit of the hip/ lumbar spine/ knee, or limiting the motion which may not be able to be changed (12). This may be hard for your patient/client to hear, but the vast majority of the western population does not have the anthropomorphics to allow what the current population considers a full butt to floor squat without poor compensation, myself included. But not to worry, you will soon see that this thought of “butt to floor” for full squat motion at any cost and its association with improved muscle activation is not supported by current evidence and in most sport training is not a necessity or even advantageous. A caveat to this is if you are training for Olympic weightlifting as your sport.  In this case, if you cannot get to the bottom of the squat with a relatively flat back you will not last long and your tissue will most likely fail as the load is increased to competition weight. Sorry to say this, but it might behoove of you to take up a different sport.

After separate joints have been screened for appropriateness, and the safe bottom ending position of the squat is identified in quadruped, the athlete should first practice un-weighted squatting form, stopping before the posterior pelvic tilt. This should be done with and then without external cueing as you and the athlete assess the full-unloaded motion for proper form. I have uploaded videos and have a checklist at the bottom of this article, which focuses on form from the lateral and anterior views. Don’t get overwhelmed, as this may seem like a lot, but I would say on average it takes all of 10-15 minutes to subjectively and objectively assess an athlete for the appropriateness of squatting with correct form.



Now I have to say, for an exercise as popular as the squat, the research was rather limited when taking into account only the best quality controlled studies. But here is the section that will recap the current reliable research as it pertains to muscle activation and joint loading with the different types of squats, depths, and weight with different muscle activation, and the use of external. In the first study, in from 2016 we take a look at 13 women, mean age 29 years old performing a ten repetition maximum (RM) squat. This study compared mean and peak electromyography (EMG) amplitude of the upper gluteus maximus, lower gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, and vastus lateralis muscles of a front, parallel depth high bar back squat, and full depth high bar back squat. The study found that there were no significant differences between front, parallel depth high bar back squats and full depth high bar back squat in any of the tested muscles. Given these findings, it can be suggested that the front, and high bar back squat (parallel and full depth) will have similar levels of EMG activity with this age group of females when squatting with a weight equaling a ten repetition maximum (1). 

In another study in from 2017, focusing on high bar back squat, fifteen young, healthy, resistance trained men, mean age 26, performed a high bar back squat at their ten repetition maximum weight using two different ranges of motion, partial range or 90 degrees knee flexion and full range or 140 degrees of knee flexion. Surface electromyography was used to measure muscle activation of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis  rectus femoris, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, erector spinae, soleus, and gluteus maximus. The results show that muscle activity was highest during the partial back squat for gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, and soleus when compared to the full range of motion with all other muscles being insignificant. So the deeper the range, did not equate to increased muscle EMG activity. The study postulated that the higher activation of the gluteus maximus during the shallower squat could be due to its inherent attachment points as a single joint muscle positioned at the hip, which creates a longer lever arm during a partial squat (3). Also, it is purposed that at the greater depth, the gluteus maximus is not needed as a pelvic stabilizer due to the passive trunk stability provided by the inherent increased hip joint flexion and tissue stability created in this position. The variance in muscle activation as it relates to squat depth between the men and women in these two studies may be due to the fact that trained females have been shown to have increased hip mobility when compared to men. Taking this into account females should need gluteal stability/activity lower in the squat due to reduced static joint/ passive tissue tension stability whereas the males will lock into their end range of hip/ knee and/ ankle motion earlier thus reducing their need for this dynamic hip stability provided by the glutes. Also, anthropomorphically males have larger upper body weight with larger average shoulder span leading to an increased need for trunk stability through gluteal activation when passive joint stability is not available in the shallower depths of the squat as opposed to those in the all-female study.

 In 2009 the lower extremity muscle activation of 15 healthy trained individuals was tested and they were all shown to be the same when comparing front vs. high bar back squats. Unfortunately, gluteal muscles were omitted from this study. However, in this same study, the high bar back squat resulted in significantly higher compressive forces at the tibiofemoral joint and knee extensor moments than the front squat (9).

In an isometric study in 2016 fifteen young, healthy, resistance-trained men performed an isometric back squat at three knee joint angles (20°, 90°, 140°). Surface electromyography was used to measure muscle activation of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and gluteus maximus. In general, muscle activity was the highest at 90° for the three quadriceps muscles. Activity of the gluteus maximus was significantly greater at 20° and 90° compared to 140°. An isometric back squat at 90° generates the highest overall muscle activation, yet an isometric back squat at 140° generates the lowest overall muscle activation of the vastus lateralis and gluteus maximus (11). Again, the lower the angle, did not equate to higher EMG activity.

So now we have a grasp of what research says about the lower extremity muscles, but what about the low back? Results of two studies from 2011 and 2015 showed that the back squat exhibited a significantly greater trunk lean and torque force than the front squat throughout the motion with no differences occurring in knee joint kinematics (4, 8). It has been shown in a study on 15 healthy trained individuals that the low back erector spinae had higher EMG which was correlated to increased torque and stress with the high bar back squat when compared to the front squat (9).

In a 2017 study focusing on the aid of resistance bands with squatting, sixteen healthy, male, university aged-participants were split into two groups of eight. One group consisted of a “trained” (defined as regularly participating in barbell back squat training for the last year) and the other was an “untrained” group (no barbell back squatting experience, but who were able to squat a bodyweight load). The study looked at a three-repetition maximum and a bodyweight loaded squat for repetitions to failure using a medium resistance band (4.5lbs of pull to double a 12-inch band) vs. a no resistance band group. The band increased gluteus max and gluteus medius muscle activity but only with consistency in the untrained participants. It was hypothesized that only untrained participants benefitted from the resistance band due to the fact that the trained participants had already achieved the muscle activation patterns required to promote neutral knee alignment and to resist medial collapse (6).

Finally let’s look at a 2017 study that compared muscle activation and squat weight with 14 healthy, male, experienced weightlifters. It was found that overall lower extremity muscle activities increased with increasing loads, but significant increases were seen only for vastus medialis and gluteus maximus during the 90% and 100% of the participants’ one repetition maximum, when compared to their 80% one-repetition maximum weight. There was no significant difference between the 90% and 100% 1RM for any muscle (7). Thus as it pertains to muscle activation and this studies specific population there is no increased muscle activation benefit to squatting greater than 90% the athletes 1RM amount with experienced male lifters. 

Now, I know there is tons of information out there on squatting, but I have tried to bring you some of the best current evidence in order to make your clinical decisions without bias. I could write a whole paper on each studies’ shortcomings but currently this is some the best we have and we can use it to at least guide our decision-making process for each studies’ gender and age taking into account the weight tested and the lifters experience.



For athletic young females the front vs. high bar back squat produced similar muscle activation at all depths (Choose based on sport)

A squat depth of 90 degrees will produce more muscle activation of the gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, and soleus than a lower back squat for young athletic males (Choose based on target muscles, not depth)

For resistance-trained men performing an isometric back squat at 90° generates the highest overall muscle activation (Depth does not increase activation)

High bar back squat will produce increased low back stresses when compared to front squat (Choose based on pathology)

Loop Band around thighs increases gluteal activation for untrained individuals only (Choose based on patient experience)

Muscle activation increases from 80-90% of a patients 1RM, but does not from 90-100% (Possibly limited need to 1RM train)



Lateral View:

  • Bar starts on the rack at the level of inferior scapular angle

  • Chin neck angle 60-90 entire time (Cue: hold a tennis ball under chin- DNF, Stick on back/ head, Allow gaze to follow body motion)

  • Thumbs always over the bar (To avoid wrist extension and wrist injury, also allows for elbows up for lats engagement)

  • In Low Bar Back Squat, the bar should fit just below/on the spine of the scapula and on top of the posterior deltoid's (bar shelf).

  • In High Bar Back Squat, the bar will ALWAYS be just below C7 spinous process

  • In Front Squat, the bar rests as close to anterior neck as possible on the anterior deltoid bulk with elbows lifted

  • Elbows back and slightly up (should only see one elbow from the side view if they are in line)

  • Abdominal Brace (Breath in and out at the top of squat, never at bottom position)

  • Start the squat with a hip hinge first then allow a knee break and continue with 1:1 knee and hip flexion rate

  • Avoid butt wink/ posterior pelvic tilt ALWAYS, as this is a poor compensatory pattern which increases risk for lumbar spine injury

  • Feet 15-30 degrees eversion/external rotation

  • Bar path must be vertical at all times to avoid increased low back stress and wasted energy

  • Athlete is ALWAYS to walk bar forward until they hear it hit the crossbar before racking


Anterior view:

  • Bar starts on the rack at the level of inferior scapular angle

  • Chin neck angle 60-90 entire time (Cue: hold a tennis ball under chin- DNF, Stick on back/ head, allow gaze to follow body)

  • No cervical side bend

  • Thumbs always over the bar (To avoid wrist extension and wrist injury, also allows for elbows up for lats engagement)

  • In Low Bar Back Squat, the bar should fit just below/on the spine of the scapula and on top of the posterior deltoid's (bar shelf).

  • In High Bar Back Squat, the bar will ALWAYS be just below C7 spinous process

  • In Front Squat, the bar rests as close to anterior neck as possible on the anterior deltoid bulk with elbows lifted

  • Hands should be the same height and same distance from shoulders and same distance from bar ends

  • Elbows same height

  • Abdominal Brace (Breath in and out at the top of squat, never at bottom position)

  • Start the squat with a hip hinge first then allow a knee break and continue with 1:1 knee and hip flexion rate of flexion

  • Avoid butt wink/ posterior pelvic tilt ALWAYS as this is a poor compensatory pattern, which increases risk for lumbar spine injury

  • No Femoral adduction/ IR

  • Feet 15-30 degrees eversion/external rotation

  • Feet hip distance apart

  • Bar path must be vertical at all times to avoid increased low back stress and wasted energy

  • Athlete is ALWAYS to walk bar forward until they hear it hit the crossbar before racking


Quick Look: Movement

  • Bar starts on the rack level of inferior scapular angle

  • Patient steps under and positions bar, patient feels comfortable with bar weight and is ready

  • Set up Trunk to Floor positioning

  • Chin neck angle 60-90 entire time

  • Turn on Brace (Tactile cue/one long controlled pursed lip exhale breath or breath held for entire motion is OK)

  • Hip hinge initiation with trunk anterior lean to start movement followed by knee flexion

  • Hip and knee flexion same rate after hip drive

  • Avoid Femoral adduction/ IR

  • Motion stopped at bottom position BEFORE posterior pelvic tilt/butt wink

  • Glute squeeze with hip hinge again to initiate ascent

  • Sit back into heels, and push through heels with toe box still on the floor (spread floor)

  • Breath at top and reposition as needed

  • Patient is ALWAYS to walk bar forward until they hear the bar hit the crossbar before racking



1.     B. Contreras, A. D. Vigotsky, B. J. Schoenfeld, C. Beardsley, and J. Cronin, “A comparison of gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, and vastus lateralis electromyography amplitude in the parallel, full, and front squat variations in resistance- trained females,” Journal of Applied Biomechanics, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 16–22, 2016.

2.     Caterisano, A., R.F. Moss, T.K. Pellin-ger, K. Woodruff, V.C. Lewis, W. Booth, and T. Khadra.The effect of back squat depth on the EMG activity of 4 superficial hip and thigh muscles. J. Strength Cond.Res. 16(3):428–432. 2002.

3.     Da Silva JJ, Schoenfeld BJ, Marchetti PN, Pecoraro SL, Greve JMD, Marchetti PH. Muscle Activation Differs Between Partial and Full Back Squat Exercise With External Load Equated. J Strength Cond Res. 2017 Jun; 31(6):1688-1693.

4.     Diggin, David & O’Regan, Ciaran & Whelan, Niamh & Daly, Scott & McLoughlin, V & McNamara, L & Reilly, A. (2011). A biomechanical Analysis of front and back squat: injury implications. .

5.     Dezewska M, Galuszka R, Sliwinski Z. Hip joint mobility in dancers: preliminary report. Ortop Traumatol Rehabil. 2012;14(5):443-452.

6.     Foley, Ryan C.A. et al. “EFFECTS OF A BAND LOOP ON LOWER EXTREMITY MUSCLE ACTIVITY AND KINEMATICS DURING THE BARBELL SQUAT.” International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 12.4 (2017): 550–559. Print.

7.     Hasan U. Yavuz and Deniz Erdag, “Kinematic and Electromyographic Activity Changes during Back Squat with Submaximal and Maximal Loading,” Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, vol. 2017, Article ID 9084725, 8 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/9084725

8.     H. U. Yavuz, D. Erdağ, A. M. Amca, and S. Aritan, “Kinematic and EMG activities during front and back squat variations in maximum loads,” Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 33, no. 10, pp. 1058–1066, 2015.

9.     J. C. Gullett, M. D. Tillman, G. M. Gutierrez, and J. W. Chow, “A biomechanical comparison of back and front squats in healthy trained individuals,” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 284–292, 2009. 

10.   Mangine, Gerald T et al. “The Effect of Training Volume and Intensity on Improvements in Muscular Strength and Size in Resistance-Trained Men.” Physiological Reports 3.8 (2015): e12472. PMC. Web. 8 Feb. 2018.

11.   Marchetti, Paulo Henrique et al. “Muscle Activation Differs between Three Different Knee Joint-Angle Positions during a Maximal Isometric Back Squat Exercise.” Journal of Sports Medicine 2016 (2016): 3846123. PMC. Web. 8 Feb. 2018.

12.   McGill, Stuart. Low Back Disorders: Evidence-based Prevention and Rehabilitation. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2002. Print.

13.   McGill, Stuart. Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance Fourth Edition .Waterloo, Ontario Canada, 2009. Print. (P.73)

14.   Rippetoe, Mark., and Lon Kilgore. Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training.3rd ed. Wichita falls, Tx: Asagaard Co, 2011. Print.