
Pediatrics Future Updates and Focus Group

Join Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC for a 1-hour session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

00:48 Melissa Cole Introduction

01:22 Why PhysioU?

11:10 Pediatric Resources

14:25 Guiding students through the milestones

17:10 Conversation about what is needed in the Pediatrics app

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo

Direct access Faculty Friday webinars & quick app demos

Good news! Now you can easily access Faculty Friday live webinars and quick app demos within the webapp. The direct links are located under the Educator Resources section on the right hand side menu of the homescreen of the webapp.

Faculty Friday / every Friday 9am PST

Here is a list of our new webinars our educator team prepared for you. Sign up today!

Alternatively, check out these recorded webinars or short app demos

If you can’t make it to the above webinars, you can also access the recordings of our past webinars here or step over our self-guided quick app tutorials here during your coffee break!

Building an Augmented Classroom to Promote Deeper Learning

Join Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC for a 1-hour session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

03:36 Why PhysioU?

13:50 PhysioU Key Academic Drivers

15:50 Graded Exposure for Motor Skill Training

19:00 E-Learning & Simulations

36:35 Bloom's Taxonomy

39:00 Diverse Populations

42:19 2022: Total Apps

43:42 Questions, Ideas, Comments,

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo

Looking forward to 2023!


Three key drivers in our product development

  1. Reduce Financial Burden for Students

  2. Video-Based Resources for Millennial Learners 

  3. Support Students Across the Entire Curriculum

What we have released in 2022

  • Interprofessional education module: We ran two IPE experiences successfully with over 200 PT, OT, and SLP students using this asynchronous simulation built around a real client with traumatic brain injury

  • eLearning & SIMs -we released over 150 modules and simulations with almost 100,000 learners completed modules with a focus on developing clinical reasoning by gamifying learning

  • Neuroanatomy app

  • Acute care app

  • Guideline-based interactive decision tree

  • Launched laws and regs modules for California, currently being utilized for entry-level preparation for the jurisprudence exam

What to look forward to in 2023: 

  • Mental health simulations and app

  • Medical screening app

  • Laws & Regs for Texas and New Hampshire

  • Full update of the Neurorehabilitation app, filmed with real clients with neurologic dysfunction and new evidence-based interventions

  • And, more simulations

Solutions for the Post-Pandemic Classroom

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU, and Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC for a 1-hour session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00 Michael Wong Introduction

00:40 Team introduction

02:25 Special Announcement!

03:29 Strategic Partnership -Guideline Implementation

03:59 Allied Health Experts

04:16 Key Academic Drivers for the Post Pandemic Classroom

07:59 ROM, MMT, and Palpation app

14:20 Textbooks Recommended

26:18 Education Sciences

29:22 Cardiopulmonary Rehab app

47:15 E-Learning / Simulations

56:15 PhysioU Apps for your Virtual Classroom

01:00:00 How to explore the apps?

01:01:415 Ways to enhance teaching and learning

01:03:38 Cost to students?

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo