
Ankle Sprains Part I:  Causes, Symptoms, and Phase 1 of Rehab

Football player and Cross Country runner with grade III ankle sprains

Football player and Cross Country runner with grade III ankle sprains

The infamous ankle sprain!  In general, ankle injuries make up about 17% of all running injuries, half of these account for lateral ankle sprains. For the most part a large number of people experience them, and aside from icing and resting the first few days, many of your future patients will not know what to expect or do.

This Part 1 post will help provide some acute guidance on what an ankle sprain is, its different categories, symptoms, and phase 1 of rehab.


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APTA CSM 2018: Motor Control Training for the Upper Quarter Athlete

Stephania Bell, PT, CSCS, OCS
Marshall LeMoine, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT
Michael Wong, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT


Shoulder muscle dysfunction is often reported in the literature related to common upper quarter pathologies. It is well established that “Motor changes in the presence of pain and /or injury present across a spectrum from subtle changes in sharing of load between synergist muscles to a complete avoidance of movement.”

During motor coordination retraining, consider the following paradigm as a way to organize and progress your movement retraining.


1.     Activation or facilitation of established muscle impairments


2.     Exercises that increase middle and lower trapezius activity: Add external rotation component to exercise


3.     To improve Serratus anterior activation with less pectoralis minor activation


4.     For functional serratus anterior activation


5.     To decrease upper trapezius activity while increasing MT/LT activity


6.     Decrease pectoralis minor activity- Avoid closed chain or use open chain elevation with external rotation resistance


7.     Optimal exercise for restoring intramuscular trapezius muscle balance: UT/LT


8.     Optimal exercise for restoring intramuscular trapezius muscle balance: UT/MT


9.     Decrease levator scapulae activity


Shoulder Motor Control | Phase I

1.     Scapula control


2.     Humeral horizontal abduction with scapular control


3.     Increasing elevation with scapular control

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4.     Return to function      

The PhysioU team is coming to CSM 2018!!

CSM is only a week away! The PhysioU team will be speaking in multiple sessions at CSM in New Orleans. Here's the when, where, and what:

Session #1: Thursday, February 22, 2018 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM



Session #2: Thursday, February 22, 2018 11:00 AM - 1:00 P



Session #3: Saturday, February 24, 2018 3:00 PM - 5:00 P

We're looking forward to seeing you at CSM. Please come by our booth to meet the team, learn more about PhysioU and MOST IMPORTANTLY we will be revealing two new apps -PhysioU: Assistive Devices, Transfers, Gait Training & PhysioU Complete Rehab Guide during this event! Be the first to try them out! 

See you all at BOOTH #1708!

The NPTE and PhysioU education 2018 update!

“If we focus on building clinicians, passing the boards will come naturally!”

– Dr. Michael Wong, Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning Fellow,Azusa Pacific University Doctor of Physical Therapy Program

As a team of educators, we have been watching carefully and thinking of how to build tools that create critically thinking clinicians… ready for the clinic, yet who are able to pass their board exams at a high rate.

With the new NPTE Test Content effective January 2018, PhysioU continues to evolve app and app content development to set your students up for success.

We have built our apps around the content areas that have the highest number of questions on the NPTE, and we have specifically built apps that develop reasoning which contextualizes information based on common clinical patterns. These apps augment the content delivered in the classroom to enhance deep learning.

Our students have developed a reputation for being very well prepared for the clinic and have had a 100% first time pass rate for the NPTE for our class of 2016 and 2017 (This will be updated as students continue to take the board exams…).

Take your program to the next level with the learning tools of the future!

Please click here to get your complimentary full faculty access or to set up a call with our Chief Learning Strategist/Co-founder, Dr. Michael Wong.


Up to 80% of the Board exam content preparation is enhanced by PhysioU’s five star-rated apps!

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(Below PhysioU apps cover above body systems.)

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PhysioU: Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation to Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Systems


Clinical Pattern Recognition: Orthopaedics to Musculoskeletal System


PhysioU: NeuroExam to Neuromuscular & Nervous Systems

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(Below PhysioU apps cover above body systems.)


Coming Soon

Clinical Pattern Recognition: Wound Care  to Integumentary System

PhysioU: Medical Screening to Metabolic & Endocrine Systems, Gastrointestinal System, Genitourinary System, Lymphatic System, System Interaction

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(Below PhysioU apps cover above nonsystems.)


PhysioU: Assistive devices/Transfers/Gait training (CSM 2018) to Equipment, Devices, & Technologies & Safety & Protection


Coming Soon

PhysioU: Modalities to Therapeutic Modalities

Please click here to get your full faculty access to test out PhysioU today.



Source: FSBPT. NPTE-PT Test Content Outline, effective January 2018 (PDF)

PhysioU Live with Dr Michael Wong: Tennis elbow: overuse or chronic pain?

PhysioU Facebook Live series hosted by Dr. Michael Wong. This was an interactive and engaging discussion platform where we dive into different types of pain patterns and treatments each session. Now this valuable content is available outside of Facebook.

The PhysioU team produces weekly expert tips and insights to help you become the PT expert in your field. Sign up for our newsletter or Like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date! 

Tennis elbow: overuse or chronic pain?