Complete Rehab Guide

Faculty webinar: Simple ways to integrate PhysioU technology into your online classroom

Covid 19 has significantly changed the PT and PTA education landscape.
Our university has moved us to completely online starting today, Monday- March 16, 2020.
PhysioU's founder Michael Wong will be hosting the webinar: Simple ways to integrate PhysioU technology into your online classroom

1. Easily augment your lab handouts with video content to enhance motor skill training
2. Use interactive case studies to facilitate online discussion and clinical reasoning (Gait/Cardiopulmonary/Multiple systems)
3. Utilizing Clinical Pattern Recognition apps to help students see the "Big Picture" to build context for deeper learning

Watch this recorded user guide webinar and roundtable discussion as we explore how to serve our students well in this challenging time!

Table of Content

0:00 Welcome

1:15 Recording of webinar will be available

2:11 Where to download handouts and resources

4:01 What is PhysioU

6:37 Who are the authors?

7:19 Top 3 Objectives for Webinar

7:52 What is in the PhysioU app suite?

9:58 3 Common Challenges in Online Learning

12:35 Motor Skill Development in the Online Space

14:30 Augment your lab handouts with PhysioU Videos

18:23 Cardiopulmonary lab content

20:36 NeuroExam lab content

23:28 Classes we have video content for

25:25 What we are doing at APU for virtual lab

28:22 Creating engagement in your online class

28:42 Developing movement analysis and clinical reasoning: Gait app

34:10 Developmental milestones content for online course teaching

35:14 Movement analysis: Gamified in Virtual Reality

36:31 Cardiopulmonary/Multiple systems case studies for online class discussion

38:37 Seeing the Big Picture with Apps

40:02 Using Clinical Pattern Recognition apps to build context for deeper learning

42:33 Sample walk through of the Orthopaedic Clinical Pattern Recognition app for shoulde pain

43:40 Playing through a pattern helps students navigate complex concepts

44:06 Discovering the patient using Clinical Findings videos

45:10 Engaging students in discussion about key findings related to a shoulder pain condition

45:51 Exploring concepts of regional interdependence in the apps

47:18 Discussions about connecting interventions with impairments in the apps

48:17 Connecting the dots to therapeutic exercises

50:07 How to use the Clinical Pattern Development Work Sheet for asynchronous learning and reflection

51:12 Student responses to App use for their learning

51:31 Our students are not buying textbooks

52:02 Student responses to the apps are very positive

53:55 A glimpse into the future of PhysioU apps

54:16 Gamify clinical reasoning

56:18 Jurisprudence interactive courses for your curriculum and board preparation

57:41 Collaboration with multiple universities

58:05 Cost to students?

58:31 FREE access to Faculty and Students till June 1, 2020 Sign up

1:00 Upcoming webinars

1:00:38 Faculty Question: Is modalities app coming?

1:02:15 Faculty Question: Is there research citations in the apps?

1:02:42 Faculty Question: Can we use URLs of videos to embed in our LMS or handouts?

1:04:10 Faculty Question: Do you have Therex in the apps?

1:08:06 Faculty Question: Is there a way for a University Bulk Purchase?

1:08:54 Faculty Question: New Neuro apps for movement analysis?

1:10:05 Faculty Question: Apps with Videos of Full Neuro Evaluation?

1:13:35 Faculty Question: Presentation handout and FREE Faculty and Student Access Sign up

1:22:22 Faculty Question: How soon can we get our free access?

1:22:53 Faculty Question: Are there more high quality prosthetic and orthotic videos?

1:24:25 Sign up for Free Faculty and Student Access

PT/PTA Faculty webinar: Using Apps for Deep Learning in Physical Therapy Education

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT in this recorded interactive discussion about PhysioU apps deep learning and how the apps are being used in the classroom.

Table of contents:

0:00 Intro to Founders and Authors

2:55 What is PhysioU and Why we built it

6:14 Objectives for today’s webinar

7:00 Common Challenges from DPT programs that PhysioU may be able to help solve

9:21 Common Faculty challenges

17:20 Cardiopulmary Rehabilitation App in the Classroom ideas

19:43 Seeing the big picture, creating context for learning- Using PhysioU as a “cognitive roadmap”

21:20 Can these apps replace textbooks? Yes and No!

25:10 How are our students responding to the use of these apps in the classroom? Survey results from our study and 2018 ELC Presentation

32:36 Using PhysioU in Gross anatomy to build bridges to clinical skills

41:16 Critical use of ICF language in PhysioU apps as a unifying theme throughout the MSK curriculum

44:40 How we use the Assistive Devices app in class and in clinic

45:40 How we use the NeuroExam app to enhance engagement in the classroom and lab

47:46 How we use the Clinical Pattern Recognition: Orthopaedic apps as a “cognitive road map”to enhance learning in the MSK curriculum and as a Clinical Practice Guideline implementation tool in the entry level

52:22 Gamifying visual movement analysis in virtual reality! Pediatric Gait VR app!

53:33 Building Simulations to develop clinical reasoning and pattern recognition…..PhysioU Sims!

58:01 Interactive courses for your Laws and Regs/Jurisprudence course: Learning in a context rich environment… enhance your student’s jurisprudence exam pass rate! (For those states that have the exam)

1:03:41 Are there any other schools using your apps?

1:03:52 Can I already use this in my classroom? Yes full faculty access is available for you and our colleagues!

1:04:20 App Release timeline

1:05:20 How do my students get PhysioU and how much does it cost?

Coronavirus in China and PhysioU (Chinese translations now available in PhysioU web apps!)

Three weeks ago, Dr. Yang Sun, PT. PhD. from the Shanghai University of Sport wrote us this email:

"Hi Michael,

I think you already got the news about the new coronavirus diseases in China. My family and I are good. But it is really changing our life here.

I just got a notification from my university today. The students can’t go back to school maybe until May. All the courses should be taught online before that. We are not the only one, this will be happened in all the Universities in China. 

So I think, Do we have any possible to launch at least the Chinese Version of CPR (Clinical Pattern Recognition App) ASAP in China? I think it will really help a lot people. Let me know your thoughts!!

Yours, Yang


Yang Sun, PT, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy and Sports Rehabilitation, Shanghai University of Sport

USC Orthopedic Physical Therapy Resident (2016-2017)

USC Spine Physical Therapy Fellowship (2017-2018)

The amazing effort and care that Chinese Faculty have for their students, in these times of trouble should be admired! The students I have met, and taught are eager, willing and bright. 

Your support of PhysioU has allowed us to pay translators to unlock the Clinical Practice Guidelines in our apps to enhance learning in this new "Hybrid" environment that our Chinese colleagues are now asked to teach in! 

The learning must go on! 

Each PhysioU subscriber can take pride in supporting the educational needs of many international groups, and in particular China!

Keep up the hard work! 加油!!!

China Physiotherapist, students and faculty! PhysioU salutes you!!

The PhysioU Team

*If you notice the Chinese characters currently shown in the app, it is because we have rushed to release the Chinese translations for our Chinese colleagues, our programmers are working around the clock to make it easy to show or hide the translation depending on who needs to see it!

Screen Shot 2020-02-28 at 10.07.50 AM.png

PT/PTA Faculty webinar: Integrating PhysioU within a blended classroom course design for Applied Physical Therapy

Join our recording session of our PhysioU co-founder Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT and our guest speaker Dr. Sam Allen, PT, DPT in an interactive discussion about Integrating PhysioU within a blended classroom course design for Applied Physical Therapy.

Transitioning from a clinical setting into a PT/PTA Program has some unique challenges. Which books to use, do you teach in a linear progression through the chapters of a text, does content within the texts reflect practices in the clinical setting? This webinar will discuss how one instructor utilized PhysioU in developing a competency-based course design for an Applied Physical Therapy Course. It will also discuss the use of Articulate’s Storyline 360 for developing course content that is hosted within a campus’ Learning Management System (LMS.

About our guest speaker:

Dr. Sam Allen PT, DPT is the PTA Program Director at South Arkansas Community College. He is a graduate of the University of Central Arkansas Doctor of Physical Therapy Program and has worked in various outpatient, hospital, home health, and pediatric settings. His company Allen Therapy Services provides occupational and physical therapy services to several school districts within Southcentral and Southeastern Arkansas.

Recorded Webinar

Click here to download presentation deck

PART 1: How PhysioU is integrated into South Arkansas Community College’s LMS

Part 2: Updates on PhysioU latest apps development(Gait VR, Gait learning, deviations from real patients, classroom interactive case studies, patient education and more)

Learn more about How PhysioU enhances learning in the classroom?

PhysioU transitioning to the future! We are moving to 100% web optimized platform, switch over today!

What’s happening?

PhysioU is investing heavily in a web optimized platform that will function in all mobile devices including laptops and tablets. The next wave of PhysioU apps will include clinical reasoning development experiences, clinician centered patient care tool, and seamless evidence update capability.

We're closing the PhysioU: Complete Rehab Guide iOS & Android mobile apps by OCT 16, 2019.

<< Switch over to our web app

What does it mean to me?

If you are an iOS/Android user, please switch over to our web app as soon as possible. If you have never accessed the web app before, you can easily access our web app via or click this link and log-in with your PhysioU account info as usual. The functionalities and user experience of the web app are as good as mobile apps, if not better.

Here's a quick link to create a web app shortcut icon in your smartphone or tablet: HOW-TO add web app on your mobile devices?


Email us at if you need further support.