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Transforming the Post Pandemic Classroom with PhysioU

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU, for a 1-hour session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00 Michael Wong Introduction

01:15 Key Academic Drivers for the Post Pandemic Classroom

14:58 Inside the ROM, MMT, and Palpation app/Lab Handouts

18:35 Inside the Assistive Devices app

21:45 Educator Resources/Teaching Content

25:45 Anatomy app28:35Anatomy Worksheets

32:00 Graded Exposure for Motor Skills

34:20 E-Learning/ Simulations

43:25 Apps for Year 1, 2, and 3

48:55 How do I explore the apps?

01:15:05 JOSPT Partnership

01:18:55 Professional Behaviors E-learning Module

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo