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Pharm to Table: Leveraging Pharmacology Case Studies to Build Clinical Reasoning into Treatment Planning

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder and Chief Learning Strategist at PhysioU and Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC, Product and Education Manager at PhysioU, for a strategic discussion and demonstration of the Pharmacology app and use of case studies to improve clinical reasoning and student understanding in the entry-level classroom.

00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

02:15 Dr. Doris Yu Introduction

03:25 Classroom Challenges

06:15 Why Pharm to Table?

08:47 Pharmacology App

20:14 Questions/Comments

30:25 Pharmacology Case Studies/Bookmarks

39:53 Pharmacology Simulations

46:00 Are students buying textbooks?

48:26 Flip Your Classroom

49:50 Enhance Synchronous Discussion

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