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Simple but powerful resources for Patients!

Did you know our own highly acclaimed journal JOSPT (Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy) has created a number of simplified summaries of key articles called “Patient Perspectives.” I was reminded by this in our talk this year at #CSM2017 Disrupting and Transforming Society as we "Get with the Guidelines"

Where Dr. Deydre Teyhen talked about the JOSPT initiative to bring the best evidence in easily understandable articles that are designed for the consumer.

Why would we allow our patients to randomly search for advice via Dr. Google when we could be directing them to high quality, evidence-based resources from one of the top rehabilitation journals in the world?

PhysioU believes that these resources should be in the hands of all clinicians. Yesterday I spent the day adding links to all relevant patient perspectives into the “Patient education” section of all the conditions of the apps!

Mock-ups of how this will be added to the apps: 

We will update these as new patient perspectives are created! Love the power of the “cloud”!

Watch out for these Patient perspectives to show up in your apps in our next big update!

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and more apps coming up this summer!

  • Assistive Devices, Transfers, Gait Training
  • Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
  • NeuroRX: PNF